A word is vague when it is not obvious to a respondent what referents (eg, instances, cases, examples) fall under the umbrella of the word's intended meaningFor example, consider the question, 'How many members of your household work?' This question has several vague words, most of which would be missed by the vast majority of respondents
Citation la vague todd strasser- 10 Words That Signal Vague Writing Occasionally, your story will demand vague phrasing for plot reasons But when ambiguities aren't necessary, you can save your readers from boredom and possible confusion by avoiding the following words Seem;Indeed, vague pronoun reference occurs near the top of both the 1986 and the 06 versions of the list of top twenty common errors (It did slip from the top 2 position in the earlier list to the number 4 position in the later list) Most people recognize that pronouns are used in place of nouns that are already known or have already been
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「Citation la vague todd strasser」の画像ギャラリー、詳細は各画像をクリックしてください。
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And paraphrases and direct quotationsIts antecedent is the person, place, or thing to which the pronoun refers A vague pronoun reference might include words such as it, that, this, and which, and can leave the reader wondering what or to whom the pronoun refers Writers who strive for clarity in their work should be certain that each pronoun has a specific antecedent
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