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Color Blind SIT Experiment The test developed by Daniel includes 24 of such images He collects data about how many of them you can spot and how long it takes It would be great to see some more people—colorblind or not—taking this little camouflage and color blindness test Hope you like the test Share your thoughts and ideasNov 14, 19 · A little less than 6% of Caucasian boys are color blind, with the next highest rate of color blindness occurring in Asian boys Girls of any ethnicity have about a 05% chance of being color blind Is there a color blind test for kids?After taking our online color blind test, if you find that you are, in fact, color blind then we encourage you to try Pilestone color blind corrective glasses riskfree with our 60day money back guarantee Pilestone are the USA's official provider of high quality and affordable color blind glasses Our lens technology can enhance your color

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