Aug 30, 18 · Synology Chat, An Alternative to Skype Synology Chat reduces the time users spend on composing emails and optimizes companies' internal communications Chat is a messaging service that runs on Synology NAS and transforms the way you collaborate with colleagues Change the way your chat and collaborate with your files, without the need擁有 Synology NAS 就能開始和同事交談。Chat 為採用網頁介面的應用程式,方便您建立安全、隱密的即時對話空間。無論你在家或外出辦公,行動裝置讓你身在何地皆能協同編輯。隨新訊息或經提及而來的推播通知可確保你不漏掉任何重大更新。Apr 25, 19 · Synology Chat allows you to create a safe and secure place where conversations can be held in realtime Using Synology Chat to create a channel for purposeoriented discussion or a conversation
Synology Chat Better Than Skype Nas Compares